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  Tech Assist

In addition to the safety programs presented, the primary focus of the Local Government Assistance program is to provide on-call technical assistance to local agencies dealing with road design, operations, safety or maintenance issues on county and city roads and bridges. Technical assistance is provided free to all local agencies in Kentucky who are facing challenges on their local roadways. Previous assistance has included: 

•    Funding and grant opportunities, 
•    Interpretation of state and federal regulations including the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
•    Sign Location, Design and Installation practices, 
•    Speed Management 
•    Data Collection
•    Pavement preservation practices, 
•    Bridge repair and replacement 
•    Traffic Data Collection
•    Road Safety Assessments 
•    Drainage Issues 

Technical Assistance activities are coordinated by Adam Kirk, PE, PhD. Adam is a research engineer with the Kentucky Transportation Center with expertise in traffic operations, geometric design, roadway safety and surveying and geographic information systems. If assistance requests are outside the realm of expertise within T2 and its subject matter experts, Adam can also tap into resources and expertise at the Kentucky Transportation Center, University of Kentucky Department of Civil Engineering, KYTC and FHWA. 

Adam and our team of engineers, can meet you on-site to review issues in depth, or provide immediate feedback through phone and email communications. Additionally, our team is available to discuss issues with your county fiscal court, or city council if needed. This service is provided free to all agencies in Kentucky through partnership with KYTC and FHWA.