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  Training Policies


To help you get the most out of each training session / workshop, attendance is limited to 30-40 persons. Without the required minimum of 18 people, a course will be cancelled.

Note: To receive credit for any of the Center’s training sessions, you must be present during the entire class. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, leave more than 15 minutes early or miss more than 15 minutes of the session, you will not receive credit for the course. 


If you are registered and cannot attend, please let us know at least 2 business days prior to the workshop. If we do not receive advance notice, you will be charged the full registration fee. Cancellations will receive a cancellation number. Someone may substitute for you at any time.


A confirmation letter with directions, class times, etc. will be emailed one week prior to the course. If payment has not been made, an invoice will be sent as a form of confirmation upon receipt of your registration.

County Elected Officials Training Program

The Department of Local Government (DLG) has approved participants of the Roads Scholar and Road Master courses to receive training hours toward the County Elected Officials Training Incentive Program, House Bill 810 (KRS 64.5275). Most Roads Scholar and Road Master courses are worth six professional development hours. For additional information on this program, please visit

Course Credit

To receive credit for any of T2's training sessions, you must be present during the entire class. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, leave more than 15 minutes early or miss more than 15 minutes of the session, you will not receive credit for the course.

Inclement Weather

If T2 cancels a workshop due to inclement weather, registered participants will be notified of the cancellation at the phone number provided on the registration form. A make-up date will be scheduled and any fees paid will be transferred to the rescheduled date.


Payment may be made using Visa, Mastercard or by check. Payment is required in advance, except employees of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.